Trade With the Flow
Trade With the Flow, Not With Opinions

Starting as a new trader everyone faces a question that should we trade with the flow or opinions? The biggest mistake that new traders make is they think that making the right predictions is the only way to make money. This is not true. The best way to be a good trader is to use…

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How To Escape From The Downtrend?, Global Stock Markets Crash
How To Escape From The Downtrend?

Following Points Can Help To Escape From The Downtrend an Be A Successful Trader. If you are a trader, you should never lose more than 1% of your total trading capital in any one trade because of position sizing and stop losses. You don’t have to fight a down trend: only take high-risk, high-reward trades.…

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Managing Money Mindset As A Trader
Managing Money Mindset As A Trader

Managing Money Mindset As A Trader Is Very Important. In this case, if I had a good strategy and stuck to the rules, nothing could go wrong. Misconception: A lot of people who start trading make this mistake. Most of the time, this leads them to lose money and give up on trading. A lot…

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Why Traders Risk Their Money
Why Traders Risk Their Money

Why Traders Risk Their Money? This is something I believe is built in, something very primitive and ancient. As a traders we take risks because we have little patience. We are the providers, the hunters, and the breadwinners. Who will bring home the bacon if we aren’t willing to risk our lives? But it’s in…

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Things I Look For in a Trading System
8 Things I Look For in a Trading System

It is actually easier to be profitable with a trading system with large wins and small losses. Trading System enables the trader to catch a trend and profit big when the opportunity arises. Stop losses that are well-placed, as well as the use of trailing stops, can help you create an asymmetric trading system that…

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Things That Should Not Considered As Success For Traders
10 Things That Should Not Considered As Success For Traders

Many inexperienced traders are deceived by themselves. They enjoy in small victories. They are on the lookout for the “magic” solution to making money with a fail-safe system. As traders they believe that attending a seminar or receiving a newsletter will completely transform their lives. Trading for easy money and coaches and gurus for having…

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Increase Success Rate In Trading,Pre-Market and After-Hours Trading, What Trading is Really All About, Top 10 Edges for Traders
What is premarket trading? Pre-Market and After-Hours Trading

Most of the market changes can occur outside of the market’s normal trading hours of 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time). Traders can take big profits from Pre-Market and After-Hours Trading . The often-volatile pre-market trading session is closely watched to get a sense of the market’s direction before the regular market…

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abundance bank banking banknotes, Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset
17 Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset

T. Harv Eker’s book Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset demonstrates the significant difference between how millionaires think and how people with a poor mindset. Wealth begins in the mind; no matter what your circumstances are, your financial future will be more in line with your thoughts and actions. Many people rise from humble beginnings to…

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why rich trader win, Forever Stocks,How Many Successful Day Traders Are There
How Many Successful Day Traders Are There?

How Many Successful Day Traders Are There? This relates to a success rate of between 3.5 and 4.5 percent. Another ten made a profit, but not enough to keep trading. The success rate is around 6% to 8% If success is defined as being marginally profitable (for at least a few months). There are Many…

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Great Things About Stock Options
9 Great Things About Stock Options

Some great things about stock options are that they can be useful tools in the hands of experienced traders. But Options can also be risky in the hands of a gambler. These contracts can be useful to manage risk or to expose your account to too much risk, which can lead to financial ruin. Options…

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