Every Trade is Just A One Trade
Every Trade is Just A One Trade

It’s one sign that you’re new to trading or investing if you react too emotionally to a single trade. You can’t be a winner in one day or one trade on a short time frame. Success happens over a long time. Market edges show up over time with more trades. Profitability in trading comes from…

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Understanding the Psychology of Trading
Understanding the Psychology of Trading

To be a good trader, you don’t have to know how to do math or how to pick stocks. Understanding the psychology of trading is very important. After you have a quantified trading system with an edge, how you deal with your emotions will determine your success more than anything else. This is because how…

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Different Types of Wealth
Different Types of Wealth

People can have six different types of wealth in their lives. Wealth is measured by how much money and things you own. Wealth comes from having a lot of success and fame, which gives you a lot of power. In good health, we can find the wealth. Wealth comes in time, so you can make…

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Trade Less and Make Money
Trade Less and Make Money

In trading, more action and time spent looking at screens does not always lead to more profits. Try to Trade Less and Make Money. Emotional mistakes are more likely to happen if you trade all day and keep an eye on the price every minute, but this isn’t always the case. Trade Less and Make…

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Risk vs Reward in Trading,, Manage Risk In Stock Market
Risk vs Reward in Trading

To start a new journey, you should think about both the risk vs reward in trading. This is true for trading as well as for life. You have to think about whether the risks of losing are worth the chance of getting something in return. When you start trading, your risk is made up of…

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Price Action As A Falling Knife
Price Action As A Falling Knife

A market’s price action is referred to as a ‘falling knife’ on a chart because of its speed and trajectory. It continues to make lower lows without stopping or bouncing back. Before there is a signal or a good reason to do so, it is not a good idea to buy into a chart with…

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Investing vs Trading: What’s the Difference?
Investing vs Trading: What’s the Difference?

Investing vs Trading In Investing vs Trading, There is a myth that investing and trading both care same. Traders and investors both are opposite sides of a coin. If we want to make money in the stock market, it’s easy to get the terms mixed up. But it’s their opposing approaches to achieving the wealth…

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Which One Is Best - Hard Work Or Talent?
Which One Is Best – Hard Work Or Talent?

There are a lot of talented people out there. Some people are born with natural abilities that others lack. Talent is no longer enough when it comes to higher levels of competition, whether in sports, business, academia, or investing. Your competitors all have varying levels of skills and abilities. In the long run, however, hard…

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What Should We choose Between Career and Job?
What Should We choose Between Career and Job?

We should We choose Between Career and Job? A career has a path that leads to increased value and pay as a result of education and experience. A job is any place where you go to get paid to pay your bills. People enter careers with an eye toward the future, whereas jobs are typically…

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Steps to Financial Freedom
Steps to Get Financial Freedom

There are various steps to get financial freedom. Financial freedom is accomplished when you have accumulated enough wealth and/or cash-flowing assets to support yourself and are no longer reliant on a paycheck. You are now financially independent of a career, a boss, and a corporation. Other than working, there are several ways to make money…

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